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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Art of Traveling

The Art of Traveling

As you explore your destinations, keep in mind the following points from The Art of Traveling, by Wilfred A. Peterson:

Travel Lightly - Pack only what you will need; this is a life experience, not a fashion show.

Travel Expectantly - Approach each destination with an open mind and sense of adventure.

Travel Humbly - Respect the traditions and customs of people and places.

Travel Courteously - Be considerate of hosts and fellow travelers.

Travel Gratefully - Show appreciation when people tend to your enjoyment and comfort.

Travel with an Open Mind - Leave your prejudices at home.

Travel Fearlessly - Do not be timid or anxious.  The world and its people belong to you, and vice-versa.

Travel Relaxed - Resolve to let go and enjoy yourself.

Travel Patiently - Do not be frustrated by language barriers and unfamiliar customs.  Be flexible in all situations.

Travel with a World-Class Mentality - people are basically the same around the world, so emulate the program's name and be an ambassador of good will.

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