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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Art of Traveling

The Art of Traveling

As you explore your destinations, keep in mind the following points from The Art of Traveling, by Wilfred A. Peterson:

Travel Lightly - Pack only what you will need; this is a life experience, not a fashion show.

Travel Expectantly - Approach each destination with an open mind and sense of adventure.

Travel Humbly - Respect the traditions and customs of people and places.

Travel Courteously - Be considerate of hosts and fellow travelers.

Travel Gratefully - Show appreciation when people tend to your enjoyment and comfort.

Travel with an Open Mind - Leave your prejudices at home.

Travel Fearlessly - Do not be timid or anxious.  The world and its people belong to you, and vice-versa.

Travel Relaxed - Resolve to let go and enjoy yourself.

Travel Patiently - Do not be frustrated by language barriers and unfamiliar customs.  Be flexible in all situations.

Travel with a World-Class Mentality - people are basically the same around the world, so emulate the program's name and be an ambassador of good will.

Weather in Australia in July

Weather in Australia in July
Winter in Australia begins from the first week of June and ends at around the last week of August. The Australian winter is generally cool and pleasant.

The winter weather in Australia generally experiences cool climatic conditions. The average winter temperature in Australia ranges from around 8°C (46°F) at night to 16°C (61°F) in the daytime. y Winter in Perth is generally a rainy season along with cool sunny days characterized by occasional storms, rainfall, lightning or thunder showers. Expect from 80mm to 131mm of rain in a month, with the most rain in June tapering into August.

Australia has witnessed quite a few thunderstorms in July over the years. New South Wales, Victoria, Port Willunga have been subject to destructive thunderstorms causing mass destruction. Wild winds, bushfires, rains and hails have all been a regular feature of Australian weather in July.

Money in Australia

Money in Australia
Use may be restricted in small towns and outback areas, as is ATM availability.
Mon-Thurs 0930-1600, Fri 0930-1700. These hours may vary slightly throughout the country.
Major credit cards are accepted. Use may be restricted in small towns and outback areas, as is ATM availability.
Australian Dollar (AUD; symbol A$) = 100 cents. Notes are in denominations of A$100, 50, 20, 10 and 5. Coins are in denominations of A$2 and 1, and 50, 20, 10 and 5 cents.
The import and export of local and foreign currency is unrestricted. Amounts over €10,000 or equivalent must be declared.
Widely accepted in major currencies at banks or large hotels. However, some banks may charge a fee for cashing traveller's cheques. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take traveller's cheques in a major currency

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